High-Speed Centrifuge
Analytical & Semi Preparative HPLC
BOD Incubator
-20°C & -25°C freezers
Microbil and Animal Cell culture Facility
Analytical and Core Weighing balance
Refrigerated Continuous centrifuge
Vertical and Horizontal Electrophoresis units
Ultra pure Water purification System
-80°C Ultra low Temperature Freezer
Refrigerator (1400 ltr)
Microscope with Recording
High Sensitivity Imaging System
Miscellaneous small equipment
Temperature controlled tube mixtures
Automated Protein Purification System (ACTA)
Net House
Environmental Shaking incubator
High Pressure Homogenizer
Lyophilization system with Tray drier
Cell culture Centrifuges
Centre of Excellence by ThermoFisher Scientific
- Attune NxT Flow Cytometer
- Countless 3 FL Automated Cell Counter
- EVOS M5000 Imaging System
- VeritiPro Thermal Cycler
Extended Facilities of UoH