Instruments Infrastructure
- High-Speed Centrifuge
- Analytical & Semi Preparative HPLC
- BOD Incubator
- Spectrophotometer
- Vertical and Horizontal Electrophoresis units
- Ultra pure Water purification System
- -80°C Ultra low Temperature Freezer
- Refrigerator (1400 ltr)
- Fermentation Facility (15 & 50 Ltr)
- Automated Protein Purification System (ACTA)
- Net House
- Environmental Shaking incubator
- Ultra Sonic Cell Disrupter
- Water bath
- Liquid nitrogen cans
- -20°C & -25°C freezers
- Cell culture Centrifuges
- High Pressure Homogenizer
- Microbil and Animal Cell culture Facility
- Microplate Reader
- Microscope with Recording
- Rotaevaporator
- Autoclave
- High Sensitivity Imaging System
- Analytical and Core Weighing balance
- Miscellaneous small equipment
- Lyophilization system with Tray drier
- Refrigerated Continuous centrifuge
- Temperature controlled tube mixtures